Thursday, August 25, 2011

Caesar Salad

Jim and I enjoyed chicken caesar salad tonight....

1 egg
Juice of 1 lemon
1 garlic clove
2/3 cup of olive oil
2 anchovies
1/4 cup or so of freshly grated parmesan or parmesan reggiano
Salt and Pepper
Romaine Lettuce

Finley chop garlic clove and anchovies and create a paste.  Combine lemon juice, garlic clove, egg, salt and pepper and whisk.  Slowly add olive oil while whisking.  Add parmesan and mix again.  Pour over a package of washed and cleaned romaine lettuce.  Add grilled chicken if you'd like and garlic bread.  If you'd like to do homemade croutons take day old bread and chop/tear up saute with olive oil over medium heat.  Top salad with parmesan.

For the garlic bread chop off the top of a head of garlic - put in foil - pour olive oil on top and season with salt and pepper.  If you're short on time put the oven on 425 and cook for 35 mins or 1 hour at 350.  Let cool, squeeze out - mix with melted butter and brush over a baguette you've cut in half.   Heat baguette with garlic butter for 10 mins. at 350.

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