Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Past

My great grandmother made all our stockings in my family.  It's something very special from Christmas past.  They all have their special spot at my mom's and dad's either on the mantel or staircase.  My sister Ashley has fun mixing things up each year when decorating, and we all enjoy how she makes it look.  I just spoke with my grandmother "Grandmama" over the phone last night - we laughed about times past and thought about the future.  She's 98, and we know statistically she doesn't have much time with us.  We discussed how we cherish the moments and times past.  I'm glad I have these special pieces like the stockings - the gifts of love - the stuff that's priceless.  I look forward to seeing my Grandmama soon, and having a nice cup of English tea together.  I'm cherishing the moments past and looking forward to the future as I say goodbye to this year and hello to the new one.

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